Spark a Conversation

We are all 
about the people.

Core Values

At Blixt, an ambitious investment firm, we want to partner with organisations that share our passion for cultivating thriving, high-growth companies. Our actions are guided by these core values:


Navigating Complexity

Blixt values authenticity and is genuinely interested in your concerns and aspirations. We work closely with  management teams, building trust through transparent communication and positive engagement. We provide  support, challenge ideas constructively, and offer strategic guidance to help you achieve your vision.


Strategic Leadership

Our commitment to clear communication and strong governance means you'll always know what's happening and  where you stand. We demystify the process and provide straightforward explanations in simple terms. Beyond  providing capital, we offer partnership  and a safe environment for your  business to thrive.


High Growth

When you partner with Blixt, you're not alone. We're in the same boat as you, moving forward together towards  success. We align our goals and strategies with your management team's, ensuring a collaborative journey that  drives positive results.

Blixt Foundation

A commitment
to giving back

The Blixt Foundation is committed to supporting purpose-driven organisations that exist to improve the lives of people in the communities 
we serve.

The Blixt team draws on its extensive investment experience in combination with a significant part of the firm’s profits to create positive impact through direct investments in organisations that drive sustainability in the areas of our environment, human and animal rights, and education.


We’re looking for businesses with big potential and we’re hiring top talent to join our team. Let’s join forces.

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