Spark a Conversation

Rachel Reddy


Rachel Reddy

I’ve been building businesses since I was young – my second-hand shoe shop founded at age 10 was unsuccessful despite my enthusiasm. Investing for me is about searching for value and being creative about building better businesses.

Sport taught me the value of determination, grit and teamwork. There’s no better feeling than coming off a hockey pitch battered, bruised and exhausted, but with a smile on your face, a great team around you and a win in the bag.

People have shaped my career, not companies. Relationships matter.

Watching the night shift in a food factory taught me never to underestimate the value of seeing things from the frontline and talking to people who are doing the real work. Things are rarely what they seem from the boardroom.

Growing up in Ireland taught me never to take myself too seriously - being able to laugh at yourself is an underrated quality.

My time at Harvard was inspirational – the people I met there were diverse, ambitious and open minded. They continue to challenge me to do more, give back and be a better person.

The value I see in Blixt is the diverse experience in the team, the humility and the positive attitude. It really makes a difference when you like and admire the people you work with.

At Blixt, I’m most excited about building great businesses and being part of creating something unique.

Investing for me is about searching for value and being creative about building better businesses.