Spark a Conversation

Vanessa Zampiga

Chief Operating Officer

Vanessa Zampiga

My career started in New Zealand working for a property developer while I was at law school. Being part of a small team bringing ambitious projects to life was challenging and fun.

After I graduated, I went on to join global law firms and institutional investors. While working in investment banking I completed an MA in Theology. An incongruous mix perhaps but I found studying and working in different fields taught me to think in varied ways and to appreciate different perspectives.

At Blixt, I am excited to be part of a dynamic team, where everyone at every level contributes to tangible outcomes. I think of my role as COO being a bit like a jigsaw or - nerd alert – a game of Tetris, where individual disciplines need to click together seamlessly for the whole to work well. For me, the connective tissue is people and relationships.

I love that every day at Blixt is different. I really enjoy finding solutions to better support our investors, and for the Blixt investment team and portfolio companies to achieve better outcomes.

On the side, I am a trustee of a charity that focuses on the conservation of the Galapagos Islands, one of the most ecologically important areas in the world. Having the opportunity to see innovative projects that protect and restore these unique islands and wildlife is simply brilliant.

I love that every day at Blixt is different. I really enjoy finding solutions to better support our investors.