Spark a Conversation

Peter Aruffo

Investment Manager

Peter Aruffo

Mathematics and physics have always fascinated me. The analytical rigour and precision that is typically associated with these fields was always secondary to the creativity that is required to solve the most difficult of problems.

I am passionate about challenging myself, and my love of sports is no exception - whether swimming, cycling, or running (and often a combination of the three). Running ultramarathons and Ironman triathlons has fostered determination, discipline and resilience which are invaluable in handling the ups and downs of an investment cycle.

Having grown up attending five different schools, across three countries and two continents, I have learned that there is always something new to discover, something new to learn, and someone new to inspire me. I started my career at L.E.K. Consulting, where I had the chance to work across an array of sectors and geographies, but more importantly with a host of incredibly smart people that were always pushing the limits of my thinking.

In Blixt, I have found a group of like-minded individuals that have established a refreshing approach to private equity. The breadth and depth of knowledge of my colleagues creates a stimulating environment that makes me excited to come to work each day.

I have learned that there is always something new to discover, something new to learn, and someone new to inspire me.