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James Turnbull


James Turnbull

Growing up, I always had an interest in finance. The underlying logic and mathematics combined with the real-world, practical aspect of the field stood out to me compared to more abstract spaces like pure mathematics. This interest led me to start investing from a young age.

Pursuing a degree in economics at the University of St. Andrews, my focus shifted from stocks and bonds to business building. I was astounded at how many small, fantastic businesses form the bedrock of the economy. Learning about innovation, competition and strategy then steered my aspirations more towards helping firms advance, rather than being a passive spectator.

Joining Blixt I have found an ideal blend of the two. Here, I enjoy using mathematical and financial knowledge to analyse investments, and be able to work with small, growing businesses that are poised to become industry leaders.

Every day at Blixt I am constantly reminded about the most important thing. People. I feel lucky to do all of this while working with a great team.

Beyond work I enjoy reading, cooking, and clay pigeon shooting. Additionally, after 4 years at the “home of golf”, I can now proudly hack my way around a golf course (without too many eyebrows being raised).

Every day at Blixt I am constantly reminded about the most important thing. People.