Spark a Conversation

Arthur Woodward

Head of Finance

Arthur Woodward

From an early age I have thrived on being part of a team, and this has continued through to the current day. It never ceases to amaze me the power of an effective team in combatting challenges and solving complex problems.  I am incredibly fortunate to have found colleagues at Blixt who share these passions.

One of my first jobs was working in sales for a large soft-drinks manufacturer, selling directly to small-owner manager businesses. The experience enabled me to really understand the challenges faced by small businesses and what really mattered to them.  An invaluable lesson learned during this time was the importance of  “measuring well” to drive success, and I think this is important regardless of size or sector. It was this that provided the motivation for me to train as a Chartered Accountant and put this into practice each day. After qualifying at Grant Thornton, I went onto work at EY and then had 10 years at Rothschild & Co.

In my spare time, I’m a father to two energetic young children and (when time permits) like to pursue a wide range of activities, from completing very slow marathons to morris dancing. It’s always satisfying to put into practice at work the lessons learned through having a broad range of interests outside the office and contribute positively to what is a fantastically diverse team at Blixt.

It never ceases to amaze me the power of an effective team in combatting challenges and solving complex problems.