Spark a Conversation

Alessandra Luatti

Executive Assistant

Alessandra Luatti

I grew up in a small town in Lake Como and after graduating in Milan, life brought me to Australia where I learnt first-hand the meaning of ‘getting your hands dirty’ in order to achieve your goals – I did everything from working with animals on a pig farm to pruning at a beautiful vineyard. After getting my permanent residency, I worked at the front office of a 5-star hotel, where I won the employee of the year award. I loved being in a business full of busy people and playing my part in that.

What I admire about Blixt is exactly this. Regardless of the job title, each one of us is ready to dig in, find solutions, and work together to achieve a common goal.

Outside of work, I set up my own Italian classes, teaching to different groups of adults, aged 20 to 70. As of today, my students remain my biggest inspiration – a reminder to constantly engage and stimulate our mind.

When I moved to London and worked in the book industry, I quickly learnt that no matter how brilliant your idea is, if you lack a solid business plan and a supportive team, you are destined to fail.

At Blixt, I found a place where I can bring the skills I gained from my past experiences and contribute to a passionate and diverse team.

I’m a big advocate of ‘mens sana in corpore sano’. A reason why I keep challenging my students in learning Italian, but also in keeping their body moving. I enjoy swimming and my love for the ocean brought me to become a supporter of the Pacific Whale Foundation, which contributes to ocean conservation programs in Australia and around the world.

What I admire about Blixt is exactly this. Regardless of the job title, each one of us is ready to dig in, find solutions, and work together to achieve a common goal.